Guemes Mountain Trail Thistle Pull ...
May 31, 2012
Six Islanders and three Mainlanders met at the Guemes Mountain trailhead on a gloomy, drippy morning.  The assignment?  Work up the trail to the top, pulling out all of the thistle we could.  We were totally up for it!
This is the pesky target.
Pull or dig it up by the roots, break the stem, rip off any buds or blooms, and either toss it far away or pile it up.
We pretty much worked in pairs, one to each side of the trail, and leap-frogged our way up to the top.  The ground was damp and soft so it was easy pulling and digging.  A work party last year had done a great job clearing it, so we did not find a lot or many big patches.
Too gloomy at the summit to see anything so we came back for lunch and snacks, dug out one last symbolic thistle, and disbanded by 1:00PM!

Trail hikers this year will much appreciate our efforts!