Barney Lake Cleanup ...
                                                               July 17, 2013
Several SLT staff, board members, and volunteers spent some of a nice afternoon at the Barney Lake property.  There was an old tree house to get down, some trail work, and a lot of old fence wire and tires to remove.
It's THAT against US!
So how many SLT'rs does it take to .... oh, never mind.
Trail clearing.
Working with old fence posts and nasty barbed wire - most on the ground in the grass.  Now the mower can get in.
Some things needed a lot of convincing.
That's enough for today .... good work everyone.
Pow Wow with County Parks staff.  Might be some nice trail work coming up here!
Oh yeah - the tires.  I never saw those guys dragging them out and piling them up but they claim that it was a BIG job ...
Photos by Pete and Maya
Photo from I-net