Marches Point Heron Nest Count December 09, 2017
17 volunteers, Land stewards and staff from the Skagit Land Trust gathered early on a clear, chilly morning to go up and into the Marches Point Heronry for the annual counting of nests.  There are a few trees to plant as well.

Some favorite stretches and then up we go!!!  (And UP and UP!)
Some of the trees have many, many nests.  And there are quite a few remnants on the ground.
We get a complete set of instructions and equipment.  Then we divide into groups of 3 or 4, with some experienced counters in each group.  There is a lot of looking up!
Once a tree has been counted and recorded a piece of pink flagging is attached - to avoid double counting.

This tree had never been counted before and so an identifying tag is attached and recorded as well.