Samish Island Heron Nest Count
November 18, 2017
13 hearty volunteers and Land Trust staff came out on a brisk Saturday at 9:30 to go into the heronry and do the annual counting and recording of nests.

Everybody introduced themselves and led us in a favorite "stretch."  Good, because we will be doing a lot of this! 

Lots of new faces and that is always a treat.

  We got an orientation to the site and the materials we would be using.

Everyone got warm gloves and we headed in.
Trees that have had nests in the past have a metal, numbered tag on them with a piece of old flagging showing that they were counted last year.  We will replace the flagging with new (pink) for this year and record a lot of  data about the tree and nests in it.

New trees with nests get a new tag and similar data recording.
It takes a lot of looking - they are easier to see in the trees with leaves gone.  It is much harder to see them in the firs.