During the Covid restrictions, 5 folks at a time come out to the Tope Ryan Conservation area to help plant a lot of shrubs. This is one day of several this late fall.
Materials are staged and taken in to the work area as needed.
The gate is open and workers are already down the path and hard at work.
Our mascot - Robert!
Warm and Dry is what is best to wear!
The field is well mowed and there is a nice bridge over this deep ditch. Many a hardy volunteer has fallen in there in years past when the grass was high!
There have been past plantings in this large area but beaver activity has caused it to be very wet and many plants died. These will be damp-loving varieties in blue "protectors" to avoid rodent damage while they are small.
Here are some of the dead conifers.
"Boss" Stacy and a "Watcher."
A variety of wild life at Tope Ryan. Here are signs of coyote and beaver. That "tree" was planted some years ago and cut by the beaver well after that!
Upwards of 2,000 shrubs and little hardy trees were planted here during this several-day effort! Wish them well!