Many volunteers and staff came to the newer, lower area of the Samish Flower Farm to get some early tree and shrub planting done near where the old house was.

Samish Island - Flower Farm
  Tree Planting  -  March 05, 2022
Thanks everybody!   What a big start and a great place to be.
After some early arrivers, the whole group got introductions and instructions and then everyone picked tools and an intriguing spot and went right to work.

Some trees best in dry places and some of the shrubs for wetter places.

It takes getting down and close.

Group work is good.

Yes - it was hard in places!!!

Those blue tubes  are buried a little ways and keep rodents from chewing on the tender tree.  They are held up with a bamboo stake and will get removed in 3 or 4 years.

These look like remnants from a previously active flower farm here.

Tools for the hard work .... snacks as rewards!!!