Land Trust Americorp and 8 volunteers came out to this great property on a chilly, pretty day. Our aim is to plant about 80 potted trees of a great variety - on top of this previously blackberry infested area.
Some of the helpers - good progress being made. Putting blue protectors around them to keep nibblers away. Be another work party in about 4 years to take them all off once trees grown bigger!
Three hours of hard work on a pretty day got a lot done.
Thanks everyone.
A periodic stream flows under the highway and through the property.
Hot drinks and snacks!
Tall protector, short fir!
All that ivy on trees of neighboring property. Bad for the trees. Fortunately this Minkler property has had a LOT of ivy removal work over the years.
On the left is the gate into the main, original property - taken this same day - bad sun! But you see how grown up the field behind it is.
On the right is the first install of that gate in 2006 when the field behind it was all reed canary grass and black berries!