Minkler Lake Planting and Cleanup
  January 19, 2018  (cont.)
After planting we worked to "grub out" as much invasive blackberry as we could.  We got out quite a few and here are some piled up.  Plenty more to go!

During breaks, Hannah gave us lots of information about this big and diverse piece of land.
We also worked to remove some invasive ivy and piled the roots and stems on cardboard to prevent re-rooting.
Tim kayaking Minkler Lake.  This may be the first water craft on the lake for a long time - if ever!!!
Here is some fun!  Above is the main gate into the Minkler Lake property - taken Jan. 2018.

To the left is yours truly and Tim Manns putting the finishing touches on the gate in Oct of 2006 when it was installed!  None of those tall firs were yet planted!

Below is the group that did it!